Paris2Nice is a unique non-competitive charity cycle that raises much needed funds for charities throughout Ireland. Paris2Nice is designed to be unlike any other charity events. We want the experience of Paris2Nice to be an extraordinary life-changing event for each participant. Totalling just over 700km in 6 days, the participants range in age, fitness levels and cycling experience – we welcome all levels of ability. With regular and gradual training and the support of the Paris2Nice team, we guarantee that you will not only complete the challenge but love the experience too.
The cycling event takes place over six days during the month of September every year starting off in the beautiful city of Paris and finishing on the iconic Promenade des Anglais in Nice.
Fundraising is an important aspect of the Paris2Nice experience and as well as paying for their own participation costs, all participants must raise a minimum of €3,000 for their own chosen charity. Previous Paris2Nice participants have fundraised beyond their expectations and in the past 10 years upwards of 400 amateur cyclists have raised over €4,500,000 for multiple charities. This exceptional level of fundraising was achieved through the support and encouragement of other team members and the Paris2Nice organisation.
The Paris2Nice charity cycle is organised by Paris2Nice CLG a not-for-profit organisation providing infrastructure and support to enable individuals and charities to participate in the annual organised cycling challenge from Paris to Nice.