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How Do I Register for Paris2Nice?You can register online using our online booking form (when available) or in person at one of the Paris2Nice information evenings. We accept payment by bank transfer or credit card (note credit card payments incur a 3% transaction fee). Details of how to make payment are listed on the online booking form. The €500 deposit is non-refundable.
What is the entry fee for Paris2Nice?The 2025 costs are yet to be determined. The trip costs for 2025 are €2095 pps and €2640 for a single* room. You can reserve your place by paying a non-refundable deposit of €500. Full payment is needed by 27th June 2025 *Single rooms are very limited and are given on a first come first served basis and only when full payment is received.
What's Included in the entry fee?7 nights accommodation including Friday night in Paris and Thursday night in Nice Bike transfer from Dublin to Paris and from Nice to Dublin Baggage transfer each day to the next hotel Breakfast, lunch and dinner** each day of the cycle Logistical support including cycle guides, mechanics and safety vehicles **Six evening meals included, allowing for a "free" evening in Aix-En-Provence
What is not included in the entry fee?Flights to Paris and from Nice Travel Insurance to include personal travel, bike and personal liability Lunch on the Friday afternoon in Paris Bike and personal equipment
What happens if I have to cancel my trip?Trip cancellations should be dealt with via your travel insurance. Please note it is a mandatory requirement to have travel insurance in order to take part in Paris2Nice and it is advisable to take out insurance as soon as you have made payment for this reason.
How do I bring my bike to France - do I need a bike carrier bag?We organise transportation of your bike to Paris from Dublin and from Nice back to Dublin. You will not need a bike carrier bag as your bike is transported via van & ferry by our logistical partner Cycling Safaris.
Do I have to arrange my own flights to and from France?Yes, you will have to arrange and purchase your own flights to Paris and from Nice. We wIll arrange coach transfer that will meet an Aer Lingus flight: Date: 5th September 2025 Flight Number: EI0524 Departing Dublin 9:50am to arrive in Paris 12:40pm If you choose to take a different flight to Paris then you are responsible for making your own way at your own cost to the hotel in Paris. You will also need to arrange your flight home from Nice. Some cyclists choose to stay through the weekend and celebrate their incredible achievement while others choose to head home on the Friday or Saturday. Transfer from your hotel to the airport in Nice is not included in your entry fee.
What is the route for the trip?Please find a summary of the route here. Please note we do not put detailed maps of the trip route on our website as these are proprietary routes created by our logistics partner Cycling Safaris. All cyclists will be in a group with a guide throughout the duration of the trip.
What are the dates of the Paris2Nice cycle?The dates for Paris2Nice 2025 are 5th - 11th September 2025. Cyclists will arrive into Paris on Friday 5th September 2025. The actual cycle begins on the morning of Saturday 6th September Day 1: Saturday September 6th, Paris to Montargis 140km Day 2: Sunday September 7th, Montargis to Bourge 141km Day 3: Monday September 8th, Roussas to Carpentras 67km Day 4: Tuesday September 9th, Carpentras to Aix-En-Provence 108km/151km Day 5: Wednesday September 10th, Aix-En-Provence to St. Maxime 128km Day 6: Thursday September 11th, St. Maxime to Nice 110km You can find a more detailed description of each days route here.
What if I have a mechanical issue with my bike during the trip?We have organised logistical support throughout the trip in France by professional cycle touring company Cycling Safaris. There are two mechanics as well as support vans throughout the duration of the cycle that are available to provide assistance if you have any mechanical issues with your bike.
I am a very slow cyclist, what if I can't keep up with everyone during the trip?"Paris2Nice is organised into small cycling groups of 8-12 cyclists throughout the duration of the trip. The groups are based upon the average speed of the cyclists, so no matter what your speed there is a group for you to cycle with. All groups have a guide who stays with the group and ensures that everyone stays together. Don't forget - there are plenty of rest stops, including 2 snack stops and 1 lunch stop during the day!
Is it possible for my friends and family to meet me at the finish line in Nice?Yes of course and we would encourage them to do so. We can also help you arrange extra accommodation through our logistical partner Cycling Safaris for any friends and family joining you in Nice.
I haven't ridden a bike since I was a kid, is Paris2Nice suitable for me?"Paris2Nice is suitable for all ages (18+) and cycling abilities. The average age of participants is 45 but we have cyclists in their 20s and some who are 70 taking part. With gradual and regular training, you will not only complete the challenge but love the experience too!
How often should I train in order to complete the cycle?The sooner you start training and the more regularly you train, the easier the cycle will be. Our beginner training guide is perfect for those participants that are new to cycling.
Are there group training sessions which I can attend?Yes! Paris2Nice alumni organise regular training spins every Sunday morning, and once we get brighter evenings, there is a training spin on Wednesday evenings too. Details of all spins are available on our Facebook page and we have a special training WhatsApp Group you can join.
I don't know a peloton from a slipstream - is there any special training I should get before taking part in Paris2Nice?Paris2Nice is open to all levels of cycling ability and we especially cater to those individuals that are new to cycling. To assist you in your training we organise a mandatory safe cycling session with Level 3 cycling coach Aidan Hammond. The safe cycling session includes the following topics: Riding 2 abreast in a group and moving up and through the group Riding close to other riders in a group Eating and drinking in a group while cycling Looking behind you safely while cycling, individually and while in a group Cornering and descending techniques, individually and in a group
I already own a mountain bike, is that suitable for Paris2Nice?"You will need a road bike not a mountain bike or hybrid bike to take part in Paris2Nice. Drop handlebars rather than flat handlebars are highly recommended. In terms of budget, if you're a beginner we recommend you spend between €2000-€3,000 on a bike. Don't forget to see if you can use the Bike-to-Work scheme to reduce costs!
I know nothing about bikes could anyone from Paris2Nice help me go bike shopping?Paris2Nice alumni like nothing more than helping newcomers to cycling with their bike questions and they love going bike shopping! If you attend one of the Paris2Nice information evenings, there will be alumni around to ask questions regarding buying a bike and accessories. There all also many bike shops located around Ireland and most offer good advice and a good range of bicycles. The following bike shops are very familiar with Paris2Nice and will happily advise you: The Cycle Hub and Hollingsworth Bikes.
What other type of equipment do I need for the trip?If you're a beginner to cycling then it's really tough to know what equipment to buy. To just get started you need a minimum of a bike, a helmet, water cage and bottle. In reality you should have a few other things such as cycling mitts or gloves, cyclings shorts and a waterproof jacket. Please see our equipment for Paris2Nice guide for more detailed information.
Is there a special Paris2Nice Jersey?Yes there is! You will receive a Paris2Nice jersey that you wear on the first day cycling out of Paris and the last day as you cycle into Nice. In addition, you will receive a charity jersey with the logo of the charity for which you are fundraising. All cyclists will wear their charity jersey on the second day of the cycle.
Can I choose which charity I would like to fundraise for?Yes, you can fundraise for whatever charity you wish as long as they are a registered charity. It is easier to fundraise in a group, so we would recommend joining a charity team. We have many different charities that are looking to put together a team to take part in Paris2Nice 2025 details of which are on our online booking form.
Is there a minimum amount which I have to fundraise?Yes, all cyclists must fundraise a minimum amount of €3,000 for their own chosen charity prior to going on the trip to France. Many past participants have fundraised beyond their expecations with the support and encouragement of their charity team members and the Paris2Nice organisation. In general, the average amount fundraised per Paris2Nice cyclist is around €6,500. In 2021, the average raised by each participant was €7900 with very limited fundraising opportunities due to Covid. Paris2Nice is there to offer support and guidance throughout the year so that you too can far exceed your fundraising target.
How does my charity receive the funds that I have fundraised?We have partnered with IDonate and through them we set up an online fundraising page for you that you can share via email, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The funds donated online are sent directly to your charity. If you receive an offline donation of a cheque or cash, you send the donation directly to your charity and post it as an offline donation on your fundraising page.
Are there any prizes?Paris2Nice is a non-competitive cycle but we do give all participants a medal for taking part in this life-changing event.
Who organises Paris2Nice?The event of Paris2Nice is organised by Paris2Nice CLG. The aim of Paris2Nice CLG is to challenge the participants not only in how much money they can fundraise for their own chosen charity, but also to challenge the fitness and cycling ability of each participant. Paris2Nice CLG wants the experience of Paris2Nice to be an extraordinary life changing event for all those involved. Paris2Nice has one part-time employee who's salary is fully covered by our sponsors.
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